Educational platforms, Technology, Education, Teaching, LearningAbstract
At present and in the face of the new reality that society is experiencing globally with the COVID 19 pandemic, technology has played an important role in the field of education since both teachers and students have had the need to get involved in the management and use of educational platforms, it has been a great effort and dedication, but this challenge has been overcome. Changing to this new context from face-to-face to virtual has been a great effort that three important parties have carried out, educational institutions, teachers and students since in some cases they are not trained with the basic knowledge in the use of virtual tools and educational platforms, but sometimes in the face of these complications to continue teaching the chair, strategies are sought since in most basic, middle and higher level schools they have structure and infrastructure with virtual tools, in this way there are a variety options to continue teaching online classes which the teacher will seek the best teaching-learning strategies that fit their educational program. The complexity and accessibility that the teacher has had in the use of Educational Technologies and Platforms will be analyzed in this work, since it is a great challenge but not impossible to start working in this context today, the main thing is to take the first step That sometimes turns out to be the fear of using technology, everything takes a transition and a process of change but it is not impossible to reach that point which is the teacher's domain in the basic tools that any educational platform of their preference contains.
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