Papanicolaou, cytology, Diagnosis, TestsAbstract
Introduction: Cervico vaginal cytology has been a consistent screening test over the years to detect prevalent pathologies such as cervico vaginal infections, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical carcinoma.
Discussion: Evidence published in the world literature about the strengths of cervico vaginal or exfoliative cytology has documented a marked decrease in the mortality rate derived from cervical carcinoma, which, was the first cause of oncologic death for years, however, there are questionable results in some developing countries, in which a cervico vaginal screening program was implemented under very different conditions of infrastructure and technical training. Conclusions: The diagnostic cervical vaginal cytology test has a low or moderate sensitivity, which favors the appearance of clinical cases considered as false negatives (from 6 % to 50%) which contributes to the fact that cervical cancer continues to present itself in advanced clinical stages, with 4500 deaths being registered each year due to this cause. Despite this, cervical cytology is considered a robust diagnostic test based on the annual serialization of the test, whose reliability continues to have a very relevant statistical basis.
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